
Jinan moland Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.歡迎您!


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Jinan moland Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

電話: 0531-87205759


地址:No. 11889, JingShixi Road, Ping'an Street Office, Changqing District, Jinan

Grinding and Polishing Dust Removal Table

瀏覽量:?? 來源:http://www.yunyinkj.cn??作者:美藍(lán)環(huán)保

Standard humanized auxiliary design~

① Working light, to overcome the problem of weak working light intensity caused by high or far from the working point of the factory light;

② Hand held grinder socket, to eliminate the hidden danger of electricity safety caused by disordered wires caused by the long-distance pulling of the power line of the grinder;

③ The tool box avoids placing auxiliary parts such as grinding discs in the absence of proper specification area. The condition that the auxiliary parts are lost due to improper placement.

肇东市| 彭州市| 西林县| 卢湾区| 云龙县| 长兴县| 高要市| 南郑县| 嘉荫县| 洞口县| 高陵县| 屯留县| 星子县| 长宁县| 墨竹工卡县| 亳州市| 高州市| 昭平县| 临洮县| 于田县| 板桥市| 台南市| 岳普湖县| 五寨县| 闸北区| 江源县| 张北县| 哈巴河县| 峨山| 禄丰县| 新丰县| 尉氏县| 图们市| 霸州市| 沙湾县| 韶山市| 淳安县| 游戏| 广汉市| 饶平县| 慈溪市|